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Mr Kitty cat? Are you Online ? :]


March 10, 2010

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: When I try to login, it says 'Your account is disabled'. What do I do?
A: This means a parent account has disabled your account from the 'Family Menu'.
You can ask your parents to enable your account again.

Q: I got a chat ban for no reason! Why?
A: The mods check the chat log constantly. If they see that you wrote something offensive, they will take away your text chat. Sometimes you say something that you think isn't very offensive at all, but it may be so to other players. While you wait for your full chat to return, you can use picture chat!

Q: When I try to draw on the wall it says 'Drawing is disabled'. I am a citizen, so why can't I draw?
A: Moderators always keep an eye over the walls. They know exactly who drew what so if they catch you drawing inappropriate stuff, your drawing privileges will be removed.

Q: I keep getting a 'blue screen' when I try to login! How can I fix this?
A: First, try clearing your browser cache. If this doesn't work, flush your DNS. Click on the link to find out how to.

Q: Can you add me to your Robots team?
A: I'd love to, but my team is full. Maybe I can add you when someone leaves my team ;)

Q: I always get kicked out right when I log in. Why does this happen?
A: When logging in, press the "Play Now" button after typing your password instead of Enter (the button on your keyboard). This glitch will be fixed soon.

This is what happens when you press enter:



cowan's blog said...

Hello cat i am able to comment now may i please be on your robot team and may i post on your blog?? i am agent0001

cowan's blog said...

by the way first comment wooohoooo :) ~agent0001~

jayf777 said...

hey cat can l be a author of your blog or can you be a admin of my blog or can look at it here

Cat said...

Guys, right now I have enough authors but I will add more in the future!

cowan's blog said...

Cat sorry if i was a pain asking you 1million qustion's lol realy sorry and when ever you can and some one goes from your team may i join?

Cat said...

I live in Europe :)

cowan's blog said...

realy cool :)

7-Wizards :) said...

wow awesome :)

boy said...

Hey bro its Boy Mai bday is in 6 days but i didnt tell any before cuz last time none cared and i was sad so ill just tell u i hope i can party me and u!

♪♫Smartdetective♫♪ said...

Cool blog ill follow :P

sarahd11 said...

Is Ukraine in Europe Cat?

7249 said...

hi cat im 7249 =) as u may know i dont think u do i Might Be Quitting Chobots ( Im still thinking about it) Just wanted to say Love The blog =D ! Are u adding authors yet? =D coz i would Love to work for ur blog :) The template looks just like my Baby Kitten garfield :) If i can :D Just tell on chobots =D also im 1 Year in a few days :D 11 More days and i have been a chobots FAN! for over a year :) Remember cat You will always rock ;) Just like everyone else :) Ok ! Now i have to go so -hugs-

Follow Mah blog :D!

Well toodles
4 NOW! tee hee :) Baii


sarahd11 said...

Thank-you so much Peach you have helped me and my friend so much! =D

7-Wizards :) said...

Np srahd :)

boy said...

sonic quited team

Ron810 said...

Hi cat! I first saw you as a mod on my younger sis' acc like a week ago. and as you can see, gabriella403 is added 2 ur list. i was on her to get her some clothes and more bugs and u were at shop -,-. I'm also added 2 u on my acc xP

But anyways, I have a question. I have to be on a timer for playing chobots everyday cuz I play too much. 4 hours on weekends, and 2 hours on school days. On one of those pictures, i saw this "chobots time" thing on the picture of what the parent sees. I want to know if there is a way to use that and i can use that instead of the timer, and if so, how???

Thanks cat! You rock!


P.S. You are the nicest chobot and im the 30th nicest. I have another question! How do u be so nice?

Ron810 said...

Oh by the way cat, check out my blog!

Blubberball said...

Unless this was a mistake or something...which I highly doubt...

Domo32 said...

How do you have ONE-THOUSAND friends!?

RedCP said...

Europe in Ukraine?

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